Sanasa Development Bank

About the Bank

SDB bank offers time-tested, ethical and future-ready financial products and services to SME’s and help to develop Sri Lanka’s economy. The stature of SDB bank today and its journey, therein, represent the culmination of the SANASA Federation’s efforts at championing microfinance and small-to-medium enterprise across Sri Lanka.

Special Requirement

The bank wanted to prepare the Job Descriptions to all staff members in the bank.

Solution Given

SDB bank got the service from E&J Management Services to re-write all Job Positions in the bank in December 2019 with a better format. It was done by interviewing the individuals and the departmental heads without disturbing their daily work. Covered all Job roles in the bank. Job Descriptions were written to the position and not to the individuals.


Job Descriptions covered entire job positions in the bank. Now the SDB bank can use the written Job Descriptions to whoever joins as a new comer.